mercredi 19 septembre 2018

Super Bomberman R gets new Castelvania-themed maps on PS4 today

Following a successful launch on 14th June, we’re happy to announce a big PS4 update coming to Super Bomberman R today.

Update 2.2 will bring with some fixes you guys have been asking for, plus a whole host of shiny new content for you to enjoy.

First up is a new battle rule called ‘Civilians’ that will be will available to play in the ‘Grand Prix Mode’. Players form two teams and must battle it out to steal the opposing teams 5 ‘Balloms’.

Points can be scored by bringing back the other team’s Ballom-chans to your base.

However, it’s not just an easy grab-and-go game. Your movement speed will decrease significantly while accompanying a Ballom-chan, so you need to think fast and use teamwork to make sure you get that Ballom back to base. Tactics and strategy will play a huge part!

With this new rule, we figured you’d need some new stages to enjoy them on, so we’re bringing three new Castlevania themed stages to the game for you to battle on.

Additionally, there’s a selection of new playable characters too! Mimi Bomber, Nyami Bomber, Upa Bomber, Caesar Bomber and (another one for you Castlevania fans) ALUCARD BOMBER joining Dracula and Simon Belmont Bomber!

Wait. There’s more. Toro and Piposaru Bomber are also being introduced, and EXCLUSIVE to the PlayStation 4!

Super Bomberman RSuper Bomberman RSuper Bomberman RSuper Bomberman R

Super Bomberman RSuper Bomberman RSuper Bomberman R

We hope you’re as excited as we are to get stuck into some explosive action with Super Bomberman R’s new update. See you on the battle stages!

Haven’t played it Super Bomberman R yet? You can grab your copy from the PlayStation Store today!

Super Bomberman R Super Bomberman RSuper Bomberman R

The post Super Bomberman R gets new Castelvania-themed maps on PS4 today appeared first on PlayStation.Blog.Europe.

from PlayStation.Blog.Europe

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