mercredi 12 décembre 2018

Skyforge’s new Soundweaver class brings action-rhythm combat to the PS4 MMO’s battles

Dear players, we are happy to bring you another exciting update for Skyforge and Aelion! We are currently in the development of two big updates for the game and would like to tell you more about it.


Working on the concept of alternative Soundweaver class costume

Weaving harmonies and symphonies

We are thrilled to present to you our newest class in the game: The Soundweaver! A support class that fights using auras and specialized instruments to aid their allies or to dish out damage if needed.

Like with every class in Skyforge, the Soundweaver will bring a new and unique twist to battles and gameplay. Imagine playing a mini-game while actively participating in a battle! With the right timing on your button presses, you will deal more damage to your foes.

Using three different auras players will be able to increase the damage output, reduce incoming damage or reduce cooldowns of the whole party. All these effects can be improved with a special loudspeaker to amp it up even more!


Working on Soundweaver class weapon: guitar

But what would be a class without its ultimate ability! Throw a concert for your friends and foes and smash down the ultimate sound! While playing and pressing the buttons in the correct rhythm you’ll invulnerable. Truly a final showdown!

Introducing new worlds

But what would be an update without new lore? We are bringing you special questline that shall unfold itself into a and exciting scenario showing what will be coming ahead.

A strange formation appeared in outer space not far from Aelion. This formation started to grow, and gravitational perturbations became stronger.

Follow this quest chain to uncover the secrets behind this Mantide distortion!


Looking ahead

We have many more updates planned for Skyforge in 2019 and new worlds will be explored.

Did you miss out on the past content of Skyforge or simply couldn’t catch up? If you haven’t played the game for a long time, we’d like to present you a small gift that should help you a tiny bit to catch up.

The up-to-date set of jewelry and Stones of Power together with other useful items will help you dive into the battle. Log in to Skyforge right now and see if you were eligible for our gift! Please note that it may take a few days for the gift to be delivered to all players.

The post Skyforge’s new Soundweaver class brings action-rhythm combat to the PS4 MMO’s battles appeared first on PlayStation.Blog.Europe.

from PlayStation.Blog.Europe

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