vendredi 17 août 2018

13 awesome PS VR experiences that are cheaper on PlayStation Store this weekend

Though the 2018 summer heatwave might have taken a little siesta these past few weeks in some places, we’ve been keeping that scorching spirit alive with a bundle of red-hot deals in our PlayStation Store Summer Sale.

If you’ve not yet had a chance to check it out, then what are you waiting for? Time is ticking and there are stacks of discounts to be getting in amongst – particularly if you’re the lucky owner of PlayStation VR.

In fact, PS VR owners might even be spoilt for choice, so with that in mind, we’ve put together a quick rundown of some of our favourite gems up for grabs in the sale this weekend. Why not take a browse and pick something out? You know, just in case it rains.

1. Superhot VR

Best foot forward: Time-bending, weapon-wielding bad-ass simulator.

What’s to love: A stupendously entertaining re-invention of the first-person shooter, Superhot stakes its brilliance with a single, simplistic mechanic: time only moves when you do. Tear through a room, pausing from moment-to-moment to side-step bullets, dispatch your adversaries and snatch-up weapons as they tumble through the air – Neo, eat your heart out.

2. Rez Infinite

Best foot forward: An exhilarating, audio-visual tour-de-force.

What’s to love: A modern re-imagining of the PlayStation 2, rhythm-driven rail shooter Rez, Rez Infinite amps up the visuals and features, and even adds new levels as it hops onto PlayStation VR. A psychedelic, truly one-of-a-kind experience, words will simply do no justice here; check out the video above to get a real idea of what to expect.

3. Raw Data

Best foot forward: ’80s sci-fi action pulp meets kinetic shooter… also, laser swords.

What’s to love: Sporting arguably one of the best trailers for a VR game to date (see above), Raw Data combines Blade Runner-era tech-noir aesthetics with modern shooter mechanics and free-roam virtual reality level design: evil mega-corps, killer robots, dramatic soundtracks… children of the ’80s will feel right at home.

4. Statik

Best foot forward: A blackly-comic, brilliantly-designed, sci-fi brain teaser.

What’s to love: Among the more boldly unique uses of the virtual reality medium, Statik combines a sardonic sense of humour with ingenious levels of environmental, spatial and conceptual puzzle design that delivers an experience at once both claustrophobic and compelling. Strapped to a chair, your hands bound inside a mechanical puzzle box, it’s up to you alone to figure your way out – good luck!

5. Apex Construct

Best foot forward: High-concept, first-person sci-fi exploration with a sweet bow.

What’s to love: Apex Construct puts a big emphasis on both the prowling robotic monstrosities that have overthrown the Earth and the exploration of that now collapsed world. Familiar mechanics will have your foraging for upgrades, hunting out hidden paths and revisiting areas to maximise your player build. A game in the very traditional sense, Apex Construct marries that unbeatable level of VR immersion with tried-and-tested gameplay.

6. I Expect You To Die

Best foot forward: A tongue-in-cheek puzzle-caper with golden-age cinema stylings.

What’s to love: I Expect You To Die is a clever combination of slapstick visual gags, a Dick Tracy-esque crime caper and off-the-wall puzzle design. Embark on numerous hazardous operations and do your best to outwit Dr Zor and the Zoraxis Organisation (yes, it’s daft!) before reporting back to the super-secret Enhanced Operatives Division with your findings.

7. Wayward Sky

Best foot forward: Charming, lightly-paced puzzle-adventure with stellar art direction.

What’s to love: Designed chiefly around offering a less-intense VR experience, Wayward Sky imports classic point-and-click adventure design into a hybrid, virtual reality experience that comprises a light-hearted Pixar-style plot, maze-like exploration and steampunky puzzle traps.

8. Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin

Best foot forward: A fresh slice of the classic Psychonauts universe, exclusively for PS VR.

What’s to love: A continuation of the cult-classic universe created by Tim Schafer’s Double Fine Productions, Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin brings the studio’s inimitably quirky aesthetics into a new first-person perspective and the added immersion of PS VR. Reprising the role of plucky young psychic Raz, you’ll have to project yourself into the mind of your crew to overcome obstacles, solve puzzles and uncover the identity of your mysterious kidnapper.

9. Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality

Best foot forward: Take a ride into the warped, science fantasy world of Rick Sanchez.

What’s to love: A chance to dive inside the cult comedy cartoon series of Rick and Morty, Virtual Rick-ality transports you to the ever-hazardous garage laboratory of the most intelligent man in the universe, Rick Sanchez. Hop through portals, travel through time and display a casual disregard for health and safety – I’m sure it’ll all be fine!

10. Star Trek Bridge Crew

Best foot forward: Helm your own Federation star ship and explore the far reaches of space.

What’s to love: Pull on your Starfleet pyjamas, it’s time to live out the ultimate Trek fantasy as you – and up to three friends – take command of dreadnought-class star ship The Aegis. Explore an uncharted stretch on the space known only as ‘The Trench’, in search of a new home-world for the Vulcan population. Engineering, navigation, command – it’ll all be up to you and your team in your on-going mission.

11. The Invisible Hours

Best foot forward: Highly-stylised murder mystery from the creators of Rime.

What’s to love: Get embroiled in a proper who-dunnit as you find yourself trapped in a mansion with some of the nineteenth century’s most infamous figures. Trade witticisms with the likes of Thomas Edison and Sarah Bernhardt as you explore a vast home that once belonged to enigmatic scientist Nikola Tesla. Tense and dramatic with top-notch voice acting throughout, The Invisible Hours is a wholly different turn for the VR space.

12. Dirt Rally VR [add-on]

Best foot forward: Codemaster’s long-running and critically-acclaimed rally series is now VR compatible.

What’s to love: If you’ve already got Dirt Rally among your racing library on PS4, then be sure to check this one out. This expansion pack adds VR compatibility for the entire game, meaning you can now get behind the wheel of some of the world’s most powerful rally cars and cruise the scenic and – incredibly tense – stages from iconic locations around the world.

13. The Lost Bear

Best foot forward: An enchanting, eerie and artistically sumptuous side-scroller.

What’s to love: In a unique take on virtual reality, The Lost Bear brings together classic side-scrolling 2D action with fully-realised, 3D environments to deliver an uplifting, often challenging platform adventure. Guiding lost youngster Walnut through a perilous woodland, you’ll need to use both the 2D and 3D planes to overcome the obstacles that stand in her way.

The post 13 awesome PS VR experiences that are cheaper on PlayStation Store this weekend appeared first on PlayStation.Blog.Europe.

from PlayStation.Blog.Europe

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