vendredi 14 novembre 2014

Top Deadliest And Most Intimidating DC Villains of All Time

The DC universe has astounded us over the past few decades by creating some phenomenal characters such as Batman and Superman. However it went one step ahead by giving us some absolutely crazy villains that no other book or novel could ever make us love and hate these characters.
What’s so great about characters such as Joker, Penguin, Two Face, Lex Luthor and many more is that it reflects what humans can actually be, if they are pushed over the edge and have everything taken from them, and have an obsession for chaos, control and total domination. We now come to the precipice and we try to discover and explain the many villains who have made Batman, Green Lantern and the Flash fight for their lives. These are the villains who have managed to leave their mark on DC’s comics, and on our lives as well.

80. Arkham Knight

Yes I know! The game is not even out yet, but I felt the need to include this villain, because for the past couple of months it has been a great subject of discussion among Batman fans. Fans are speculating that he is Damian Wayne (the son of Batman). All these points are valid no doubt, but what really interested me about the Arkham Knight was his ability to go head to head with Batman, by not only brawns but brains as well. We will just have to see and wait till 2015 to find out who the Arkham Knight really is.

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