mercredi 1 mars 2017

ADK Damashii compilation brings five Neo Geo arcade classics to PS4 today

Continuing our initiative to bring classic import titles to modern hardware, our team has been hard at work on preparing a very special compilation disc, ADK Damashii, which releases today on PS4.

This compilation disc was originally released on PS2 as a Japan-only release and is a collection of Neo Geo titles that were developed by ADK, also known as Alpha Denshi Corporation. We want to discuss each game included in this compilation and why they are so important to the Neo Geo legacy.

Aggressors of Dark Kombat

ADK Damashii

This fighting game developed by ADK is a very unique entry in the genre and has a variety of mechanics that set it apart from other classic fighting games.

One of the biggest differences is the ability to walk into the background, in a way that is very similar to what is possible in side-scrolling beat ’em ups. This is controlled with the stick or D-Pad, and as a result jump is actually moved to one of the action buttons. The game also places a large emphasis on grappling moves, including the ability to counter-grab and break free from an opponent. The game also has weapon pick-ups that are actually thrown into the stage by the crowd!

Ninja Master’s Haoh-Ninpo-Cho

ADK Damashii

Known to most fans simply as Ninja Master’s, this title is one of the rarest and most sought-after Neo Geo cartridges in existence. This title was actually the sixth and final fighting game created by ADK for the Neo Geo. Per the game’s title, the setting revolves around a cast of ninjas each with their own goals and reasons for fighting. The gameplay is very similar to other weapon-based fighting games.

One aspect of the gameplay that differentiates itself from other fights like Samurai Shodown is the ability to switch at will between fighting with your character’s weapon or bare-handed. In certain cases this will actually alter a character’s strategy as the moves can be completely different. The soundtrack in this title is also very unique and is heavily inspired by traditional Japanese music.

Ninja Combat

ADK Damashii

Ninja Combat is a side scrolling action game developed by ADK, and even among other side scrolling action games at the time is considered extremely difficult!

The main characters use shuriken for their primary weapon, and other weapons can be picked up throughout the levels to add variety. Another aspect that increases replay value is the fact that certain bosses become playable after defeating them.

Ninja Commando

ADK Damashii

Ninja Commando is another game featuring ninjas, this time in a top-down vertically scrolling action game. The player gets the choice of three different ninja characters, each with differing abilities, as they chase a villain through seven different time periods. A unique aspect of this game is the fact that the character’s special moves are actually activated through classic fighting-game style inputs.

Twinkle Star Sprites

ADK Damashii

Twinkle Star Sprites is perhaps the most unique title in this compilation, as it is a competitive scrolling shooter that also contains elements common to versus puzzle games. The playfield is split into two halves and each player is restricted to one side. They cannot directly attack each other, and instead send attacks and counter-attacks back at each other by destroying enemies and projectiles on their screen.

This is another import release and does not offer any language options besides Japanese, but with a collection of games like this it should not be missed regardless! We will continue to deliver more import titles to our fans going forward, and are already planning Fatal Fury: Battle Archives Vol.2 as our next release! Stay tuned in the future for more exciting PS2 Games releases from SNK!

ADK Damashii

The post ADK Damashii compilation brings five Neo Geo arcade classics to PS4 today appeared first on PlayStation.Blog.Europe.

from PlayStation.Blog.Europe

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